Category Archives: Earn Your Worth

Want to Raise Your Profile? Ask for A Raise!

A lesser-known benefit of asking for a raise:

When you get outside your comfort zone and ask for a raise, you raise your profile.

In your leader’s eyes, and in your own eyes. When you ask for more than what your leader or manager has offered, this positions you automatically as someone who goes for what she wants. Someone who WILL take the risk that she might not get it, at least not right then. Someone who will also more than likely do the same for your organization.

I was recently interviewed by and shared my top 5 tips for asking for a raise, and 3 things to avoid doing. I also shared a brief story about a client who successfully negotiated a more than 20% increase, in part by recruiting an ally for her cause. Click on the women dot com logo to check out the full article here:

My client was initially offered far less when she asked for a raise to a specific amount. She stuck with her number and ended up with more than a 20% salary increase. The added benefit: Her leader told her he appreciated how prepared she was for the conversation, and noted that she was being a great advocate for herself.

Boom! Profile raised.

The benefit of raising your profile can far out-weigh and even outlast any increase in salary, position, benefits or responsibility. Asking for a raise or promotion positions you as someone to take seriously. Someone who takes her work and her value seriously.

You can take the other road, keep your head down and focus on delivering great work, and hope they notice and reward your efforts, without your having to ask for it.  But let me ask you:

How’s that working for you?

Here’s some math: Over the course of your career, you could be leaving behind $1,500,000 by not asking. That’s a lot of zeros. A lot of shoes — a lot of family vacations– a lot more time in good health.

If you aren’t asking for more because you are nervous, afraid or unsure of what to say, this only means that asking for a raise is not familiar to you. Get some help from someone who can help you figure it out, help you practice and rehearse the conversation. Work with a coach or advisor, or a peer who has done it successfully. Join a community where others are practicing these new skills too.

Then buckle up buttercup! Grab a bit of courage and go ahead and ask!

I’d love to hear any of your experiences with how asking for a raise has raised your profile. I know we can all use hearing some encouraging stories.

7 Signs You Could Be Under-Earning


Are you Under-Earning?

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You might be under earning – earning less than your worth – even if you make over six figures!

How do you know if you are?  There are several signs of under-earning, some common and some not so common.

Barbara Stanny defines an Under-Earner as “someone who makes less than she needs or desires despite efforts to do otherwise.”

Red Alert! Before you read further, I want you to stop. Even if you already recognize yourself here, be kind to yourself. Do not label yourself as an “under-earner”. Focus instead on the signs of under-earning behaviours. Because you can shift and even swap them out for more self-affirming behaviours that will move you closer to earning your true worth.

I collected quite a list of signs of under-earning behaviour from what I hear from my clients, in my speaking engagements and through informal surveys – and I’m going to share the Top Signs of Under-Earning with you over the next few weeks. I’m also going to share some tips that will empower you to overcome these signs of under-earning.

Empowerment begins with Awareness. Awareness of both your strengths and blind spots – where you may not be experiencing the results you could.

Let’s begin raising that awareness today.

Notice which of these signs show up in your life. You might be surprised!

7 Signs You Could Be Under-Earning:

Checkmark greenYou KNOW you are worth more than you are being paid. You’re just not sure how to prove that. You find it difficult to articulate what your worth is exactly, and are baffled how others seem to do it.

Checkmark greenYour strengths, talents or genius are your “best kept secret”. You often hear others say, “I didn’t know you could do that!” or, “I didn’t know you were an expert in that!”

Checkmark greenYou keep getting passed over for promotions or business opportunities. You see others getting ahead who are less qualified than you.

Checkmark greenYou are not working in your “Genius Zone” 80% of the time. Most of the time you do work that you could delegate or stop doing altogether. You could be leveraging your time doing what you are really good at, that comes easy for you, and has the biggest impact.

Checkmark greenYou sit on the outside ring at important meetings, gravitating to the social crowd rather than the influencer crowd. It’s easier to sit at the back and socialize with your peers, than to put yourself “out there”, sit in the hot seat at the Big Table. You shy away from standing out.

Checkmark greenYou stay in your “comfort zone” and don’t take any risks. You’ve been hurt or penalized before, and you don’t want to experience that again.

Each of these signs of under-earning is a symptom of the #1 Sign of Under-Earning on today’s list:

Checkmark greenYou are not Shining Your Light.

Rather than getting help (coaching, mentoring, training) to boost your capacity to handle difficult of situations that challenge you (having a difficult conversation, standing up for yourself, asking or negotiating for something), you hang back where it’s comfortable and stay small.

By being the Shrinking Violet rather than risking being cut down as a Tall Poppy, you are also shrinking from opportunities for others to SEE you, to see what you are capable of, to see your Genius.

If you are waiting for them to notice you…well if you are playing small, how can they? Find a way to let them know what you are up to.

If you think this is bragging, and you don’t want to “brag”, then re-think. Re-frame it as “sharing”. You’re already good at sharing right? Share what you are doing, what you are capable of, what you have achieved. HELP them to notice YOU.

Shining your light is not about being alone in the spotlight (although that’s okay too!). It’s about allowing your true self, your authentic self, your one wild and precious* self to shine. It’s about not dimming your own light.

Isn’t it time?

It is.

It’s time to stop under-earning. To start doing something that you CAN do right now.

What is one step you could take this week that would shine your light, just a little bit more?

Share your plans in the comments box below.

If you resonate with one or more of these signs of under-earning or struggle with negotiating for your worth, I’m offering one of my E.A.R.N. Your Worth™ Breakthrough Session right now, on a first come, first served basis. With Gender Pay Day approaching in April, I’d like to help some people who know they’re in this situation and are up for shining their light, asking for or negotiating their true worth.

If you want one of these sessions, shoot me an email and let me know what you’re struggling with. Tell me a little bit about your situation, why you should get one of these sessions and we’ll book it.


*Acknowledgement to the delightful Mary Oliver and her poem Summer: “What will you do with your one wild and precious life?”

Contract Negotiation Basics for IT Consultants

I was interviewed recently by Insureon for my contract negotiation tips for IT Consultants.  I was impressed by the listening skills of my interviewer, Joshua Scott, as  he captured my comments accurately. Here is the article posted on Insureon’s blog:

Client Contract Negotiation Basics for IT Consultants

Insureon Blog

Talking with people can be scary. Talking with business people over an important contract can be really scary. But you don’t have to be a cutthroat, high-powered, $1000-suit-wearing type to excel at the art of negotiation. In fact, the average IT consultant should be able to wheel and deal well enough to secure good contracts throughout their career.

Don’t know how?

Carrie Gallant (@GallantLeader), negotiation expert and president of The Gallant Leader and Gallant Solutions Inc., offers advice for how IT consultants can better negotiate a fair and beneficial contract with their clients. One benefit of getting better at negotiating? You’re less likely to need to make a claim on your IT consultant insurance.

When Negotiating IT Contracts, Clarity is Key

Continue reading

What Do You Really Want?

Originally published November 2008; edited 2014

Negotiation Tip:  Clarify What You Really Want

I love speaking about negotiation with groups, and groups of women especially. Women want to know what they don’t know. And they want to share their experiences, and yes to share a good laugh!

There is always a story about a courageous act that succeeded brilliantly, and another about the perils of playing it safe, playing it “small” as Marianne Williamson cautions against.

Your Language Influences You

Recently I was speaking to a group of women in the construction industry about negotiation.  Our choice of language and its role in our communications and negotiations became a touchstone.  As the 40 or so members did their go-round of introductions, a tradition is to also answer a question posed by the guest speaker.

My question for them was “What do I really want?“, the key question that begins your negotiation preparation.

I was fascinated to notice that of the 40 members, only about ten percent used the words “what I really want is…”  The remaining ninety percent said instead “what I would really like is…”

In addition, the types of things that followed seemed to vary depending on which phrase was used. “What I would really like” tended to precede broader, less tangible and more elusive objectives, things that were more likely to be outside the direct scope of the woman’s sphere of control or influence.  More hopeful, even tentative objectives. The women who said “what I really want is…” were more specific, deliberate and concrete.  Like, “more time off to spend with my kids”; “a day at the spa”; or even “great sex!”

We had a good laugh about how we unconsciously use language patterns we’ve grown accustomed to, and even what we believe is “appropriate”, especially as women. Some felt saying “I want” was too bold, too risky, too unexpected.

Does this matter?  I think it does.

The Impact of Clarity is Exponential

One of the ways you can become more effective in your negotiations, and more influential in your communications and dealings with others, is by being really clear.  Really clear on what you want.

The impact of clarity is exponential.  The clearer you are about what you want, the clearer you can be in asking for what you want, in planning how you are going to ask for it, and in how you negotiate — and  how it will affect the other person involved.

As the women at my seminar articulated, stating ‘what would really like’ rang as a wish for the future, rather than as a statement of desire for the present, as it does with “what I really want”. “I would like” is a conditional statement; it implies that some other condition is required, or needs to happen. There is a sense of a lingering “if”, or “one day…”.  As in, “what I would really like is X, if  Y happens“.  For example, “I would really like to vacation in Italy for a month…if I could afford it (or: if my boss would give me the time off).

See how it puts your desire out there? Outside of you, perhaps dependent on something else happening – or someone else’s actions? This can be great for kick-starting your imagination, dreaming broadly. But when it comes to steering your life, and day-to-day progress, “what I really want…” is much more empowering.

“I want” simply is.  The want exists in the present, irrespective of whether, and how,  your want is fulfilled.  And perhaps that is what makes it so hard to articulate, especially for women, who learn to value connection with others, put others’ needs first and minimize their own wants and achievements. You may even feel it is inappropriate to articulate something as bold as “I want”!

Before you even choose which phrase to use, articulating what you want presumes that you know what you want.  And so we are back to clarity. This can take some work, especially if it is a new skill.

There are a lot of tools available to help gain clarity in knowing what you want, and defining your outcome goal {Check out my Tips for Getting Clear!}.  It’s hard to be satisfied with any outcomes, if you’re not clear what you wanted in the first place! Sometimes, it is as simple as beginning with identifying what you don’t want, which then acts as a foil to reveal what it is that you do want instead.

Clarity is empowering, especially when it is coupled with clear knowing of what we don’t want.  It is much easier to walk away from a bad deal, when we can see it clearly.  This creates confidence that you can hold your own.

Even if all you do, if your first simple step is this, you will revolutionize your mindset and your results: Ask yourself first.

What do I really WANT?

Then BE bold, take the risk, be unexpected – go ahead and say it:

“What I really want is…”





Feminine Advocacy: How to Ask For and Get What You Want

Recently, I was invited to speak at the 2013 mSummit here in Vancouver BC, about “Feminine Advocacy” for savvy working 2013-11-16 12.55.34moms.  I was totally excited because the keynote speaker was Arlene Dickinson, co-star of Dragon’s Den, and I really wanted to meet her in person, get my dog-eared copy of her book Persuasion signed, and most of all to have my picture taken with Arlene!  How fun would that be – two red-heads!

Alas, the last part was not to be.

Although I sat a few feet from Arlene’s great shoes during her keynote talk, the luncheon ran late, and Arlene’s book signing and photo session ran directly opposite my own talk.  Not only did I miss my photo op with Arlene, many of those who signed up for my talk had to make a hard choice about what they wanted – and hey, I do not blame anyone who chose Arlene’s session.  In the end, my small audience was just perfect – they got what they wanted too.

Afterwards, I got to think about sharing my message on Feminine Advocacy beyond that talk.  Over the next few posts, I’m going to share the core of my talk: the 3 Feminine Advocacy Secrets to Asking For and Getting What You Want.

First, why “Feminine Advocacy?” And what is it, exactly?

Back in the dark ages when I was in law school (aka the 1980s), I studied Feminist Advocacy, which was, I dare say, a bit different than the subject I was being asked to speak about to a group of working moms in 2013.  And yet, perhaps in a way it wasn’t.

In the 1980s it took the feminist lens to shake up conventional, traditional and patriarchal thinking about what made for good advocacy in court, and what made a “female” lawyer effective (how we were described back then). A group of us women asked for this course to be created. We wanted to learn how to be in the world – how to be a good lawyer, and how to be women in a (still then) man’s profession.

Fast forward 25 years later, and women are still “leaning in” to claim leadership and our rightful place at the table.  The gender wage gap continues in Canada, even after 20 plus years of pay equity legislation federally and in most provinces and territories (except in BC, my current home K), and in the U.S. as well. Women aged 25 to 34 earned 78.3 cents for each dollar received by their male counterparts in 2010 (Conference Board of Canada).  The need for change continues.

“Feminine Advocacy” is also about how to be a woman in this modern world.  How to ask for, advocate for, what you want in your career, business and life.  The difference today is the depth and breadth of experience we now have with what makes for good leadership overall, as well as proven results in how gender differences enrich business outcomes and contribute to a stronger bottom-line, triple or otherwise.

Why “Advocacy”? In starting to prepare my talk for mSummit, I consulted and my own dictionary (the 10-pound behemoth Webster’s Encyclopedic Dictionary I’ve carted across Canada since undergrad English) for a formal definition of “advocacy”.  Here’s what I found:

Advocacy:  “The act of pleading or arguing in favor of something, e.g. a cause, idea or policy.”  Or more simply à la Webster’s: “advocating”, which in turn is defined as “to plead on behalf or, or use persuasion in support of.”

Here’s the reality with advocacy.  It’s still only one side of the story. As great as your ability to persuade or plead is, the reality is that others do what they want to do, for their own reasons.  And they will be persuaded by you, or not, for their own reasons.

Another reality: advocacy works best when you have influenced another person to do something, think or believe something.  And influencing is most effective when you consider the needs of the other person. My definition of “Feminine Advocacy” incorporates the feminine need for connection, the natural inclination to “tend and befriend” in crisis.

Feminine Advocacy seeks to influence others towards what you want by considering how it works for them.  Let’s face it, if what you want doesn’t benefit them in some way that is valuable to them, why would they do it? Sure, you could try to control the situation, or try to force them to do it.  I think you already know how that will turn out. Especially in the long-term.

Advocacy is one of three essential skills in my Diamond Negotiation Model in the Art of Negotiation for Women VIP Program. Advocacy is about sharing your wants, needs, and objectives – what you want to achieve.  Inquiry is about being curious about the other person – their wants, needs, and objectives – what they want to achieve. Listening is the skill that bridges Inquiry and Advocacy.

Here’s the tricky thing for women. Advocating for yourself, asking for what you want, is something you are four times less likely than a man to do.  And there’s a lot of research now that backs this up, particular when it comes to salary. Research also shows when women are given the skills and tools, they negotiate just as well as men do on behalf of their company or someone else, but poorly on their own behalf; however, there was no difference in the results for men; i.e. their results were the same whether they negotiated for themselves or someone else.

So what’s the secret, then, besides acting as if you are advocating on behalf of someone else (hint: that’s a pretty great secret)?

I’ll reveal the mystery in upcoming posts.

Coming up Next: Feminine Advocacy Secret #1.